
Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Carnaval Biarnés

Karnaval Biarnés ini biasa diadakan setiap tahun di kota tempat kami tinggal: Pau, yg kebetulan merupakan ibukota dari daerah Bearn. Dan tahun ini rangkaian carnaval ini baru saja dimulai dari tgl 26 Januari sampe 5 Februari. Gak semuanya sempet kita tonton, cuman yg tgl 2 Februari kemaren saja yaitu Har correr Carnaval, yg dimulai dari Place Cléménceau sampai Place du Verdun. Lengkapnya bisa dilihat di sitenya carnaval biarnés di sini.
"C’est le grand jour. La gloire pour Sent Pançard. Il jubile, exulte ; On est venu de tous les coins du Béarn, rien que pour lui.Il sent la foule excitée prête à basculer dans la débauche, la luxure, l’ivrognerie, la grossièreté…. Il pète les plombs...Mais le peuple réagit. Il y a des limites à tout !A son insu, Sent Pançard, responsable de tous les maux, est conduit au tribunal pour être jugé.A la satisfaction générale, il est condamné à être brûlé.
Une explosion de musique, de couleurs, de rire, de fantaisie...Grand défoulement collectif. Trop de sérieux, ça "harte" quoi !"

Monday, February 04, 2008

Arqi's School Activities (28 January - 1 February 2008)

Masih dari kegiatan kakang di sekolahnya....Minggu ini kakang gak ikutan ke Pony club karena ngedadak demam pas bangun pagi-pagi...
Music: This week they repeated the song " colour game". They were split into 3 groups: drum, tambourines, triangles. Each Group played in different verse (different colour). It was very difficult and they had to listen carefully to play at the right time. Then they sang a song "Row, row, row your boat". Some pupils tried to sing it alone in aloud voice. They spoke about low and high pitch part of the song.
Kakang & friends had a special moment this week, when Tiger-Lily kindly distributed a pair of shock to all her friends in the class. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

They started a new theme tis week, looking at traditional stories & rhymes. This week's story was: The Gingerbread Man. They did plenty of linked activities to this story, including a dot-to-dot pencil control activity which involved creating their own gingerbread man, which they then decorated and as chance would have it, Mss. Susie just happened to have a box of raisins in her class, so she kindly gave us some in order to give their gingerbread man some eyes!

This week they have been looking at place prepositions such as:in, out, under, on top, up and down, etc. After listening to a funny story called 'Hide from Wibbly pig' they had great fun giving each other instructons to get into certain positions in relation to a hoop.

In their Friday gym session they each had a different line to use and they tried to find as many different ways of crossing the line as possible - giant steps, hopping like a frog, walking backwards, tiptoes and twirling. They had a great time and lots of fun doing this.