
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Arqi's School Activities (21-25 January 2008)

Masih tentang kegiatan Kakang disekolahnya, Alhamdulillah lancar-lancar saja..! Kakang setiap harinya masuk jam 9:00 dan pulang jam 15:15, kecuali hari rabu pulang jam 12:00. Lunch dlakukan disekolah jam 11:30 sampe jam 12:00...lalu dilanjut tidur siang. Suprise juga kakang bisa tidur siang, soalnya kalau di rumah boro2 tidur siang yang ada maen sepeda terus.... :(

Ini beberapa foto kegiatan sekolahnya :

Kakang & friends did some pencil control activities to draw wavy lines on a shell and a snail. They drew also some amazing zigzag patterns to decorate some fierce-looking dragons!

They carried on with their Line project to complete their line walk around the playground. Miss ichelle took a clip board with her note down which children were able to spot lines in their environment. Therewere so many !
They braved the cold weather and did their gym session outside. They continued the line theme by tacking turns to walk a straight, wavy and zig-zag line. Then They made three little trains and went along the tracks together.

Music: This week Arqi & friends learned a song "Colour game". They listened to the song carefully, and looked for the names of the colours hidden in it. Then they repeated the names and sounds of the classroom instruments. This time they focused on the drum and they tried to play on different ways (to rub the skin of the drum, to play with the fingertips, on different parts of the drum) and with different dynamics. All the class endeavored to do their best...

Cookery Class : They looked at different pictures of sweet food and guesses what they all had in common. They very quickly found that the answer was chocolate! They then had great fun making some delicious chocolate crispy cakes, which they were proud to take home and share with their parents...(tapi pas ibu minta...kakang nggak ngasih tuh kuenya...)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kakang di Pony Club

Tiap hari selasa, kegiatan kakang di sekolah adalah pergi ke Pony Club. Secara giliran orang tua murid diminta untuk bantuin jaga anak-anak berkuda dan selasa kemaren, 22 Januari bagianku untuk pergi ke Pony Club. Kebeneran dong...habis selama ini kakang sering cerita ttg kegiatan berkudanya.....pingin tahu ngapain saja sih. Jadi tahu deh...sebelum pada berkuda, itu si "pony" di bersihkan (disikat) dulu sama anak2...., kemudian pemanasan dgn keliling di istal sambil maen game....baru deh mereka berkuda keliling pedesaan disekitarnya.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arqi's School Activities (14-18 January 2008)

Masih ttg kegiatan arqi di school-nya. Diminggu ke-2 ini kakang makin enjoy saja di sekolah barunya. Saking senengnya dgn sekolah, kata "sekolah", sama kita jadi bahan "ancaman" kalo kakang berbuat nakal di rumah : "Yah..sudah kalo kakang nakal besok gak usah school aja yah..." ...dengan merajuk dia biasanya bilang "iya gak nakal....sekul aja kakangnya...."...Alhamdulillah dia bisa menikmatin sekolahnya. Gak sadar juga dia mulai ngoceh dlm bhs inggris walopun gak jelas karena cadelnya....kaya: good morning, I want pipis, ngitung one sampe ten...., ngenalin nama-nama jari tangannya mulai jempol sampe kelingking...
Ini beberapa foto kegiatan sekolahnya arqi di minggu keduanya....

PD=Physical Development
Arqi & friends tried to walk along a straight line and a wavy line in different ways; giant steps, baby steps, hopping and jumping. As it was a very wet day they finished the gym sesion by having a disco to use up all their energy before wet play time where they sat and watched a video.

Arqi & friends explored making vertical and horizontal paper strips and introducing newspaper for tearing.
Arqi & friends continued working on their mouse control by usng a paint program to make matching patterns of increasing difficulty...
PONY CLUB (every tuesday)
During the first half of session some of the group enjoyed a game called: "Muscal Ponies". The ponies were riden and led by the children in the carousel to the sound of classical music and when the music stopped the children had to control their ponies to stop too! They all did very well. The groups then swapped over and for the second half they went on a new walk through the fields.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Arqi's School Activities (7-11 January 2008)

Setiap minggunya, kita orang tua murid dapet semacem summary mingguan dari teacher-nya kakang. Laporannya sangat bagus untuk setiap subject dan dilengkapin foto2 pula. Selain itu juga filenya disimpan di websitenya sekolah sehingga bisa kita akses...dan yg penting bisa di share deh...di blognya Arqi ini. Ini beberapa activitas kakang minggu pertama disekolahnya.

Arqi & friends practised sharing out giant button to make sure we all had the same amount.

Arqi & friends had great fun making some very elegant crowns which they were very proud to wear for a photo !

Looking at different ways of creating picture with lines. And Arqi & friends started off this week by painting horizontal lines.

Arqi & frends started the new term with the song " I like music, listen to the sound". They listened to the song and spoke about the sounds in it. They guessed which instrument on the picture belongs to which sound. Then they did actions in it (blowing a trumpet, beating a drum, crashing a cymbals)...

@ Cookery Class: Arqi & friends enjoyed decorating their piece with a sticky icing, on top of which they placed some glace fruit...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tahun Baru......Sekolah Baru buat Kakang

Mulai tgl 7 Januari lalu, Kakang sudah pindah dari Créche (daycare) Pépiniere, yg berbahasa pengantar perancis, ke International School of Béarn (ISB), yg berbahasa pengantar inggris. Nah lho..pusing2 deh kakang...!!! Sejak awal desember lalu sebenarnya Kakang sudah mulai nyoba masuk ke ISB ini 2x seminggu... Alhamdulillah tanpa ada halangan apapun dia segera bisa beradaptasi...good boy! begitu kata teacher nya. Sebenarnya kakang jauh-jauh hari sudah di daftarin ke sekolah perancis sama si atah.....karena waktu itu "toilet training" nya belum bisa...Eeeh di ulang tahunnya yg ke 3 , kakang ternyata sudah bisa bilang sendiri kalo mau pipis atau mau "pup". Dan salah satu syarat penting masuk ISB ini adalah "lulus" toilet training. Akhirnya dengan segera di cancel tuh daftar ke sekolah perancis nya. Kakang masuk di ISB ke kelas Early Years, dan kata gurunya; Miss Michele : Arqi had a very friendly welcome from the other children. Satu minggu pertama, kakang hanya masuk setengah hari....di minggu ke dua teachernya bilang Arqi sudah bisa masuk fullday....!! Aduh kang..gimana dong nasib ibu seharian tanpa dirimu..hiks!
,,,,,,,,,,sekolah kakang yg baru : International school of Bearn
;;;;;;;Arqi had a very friendly welcome from the other children

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Walt Disney Studios, Paris (29-30 December 2007)

Masih dalam rangka liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru, kita nganter kakang ke Walt Disney Studios, di Disneyland Park Resort Paris...karena tahun lalu cuma sempat ke Disneyland Park-nya saja. Beberapa yang sempat kita kunjungin di sini, yg tentunya kakang diperbolehkan masuk... adalah: Moteur...Action! Stunt Show Spectacular, Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic, Art of Disney Animation, Cars Race Rally dan Disney Studio 1. Sempat juga di sore harinya kita lihat karnaval...dan karena masih punya tiket ke Park disneyland & punya banyak waktu , kita nyempetin juga mampir ke sana.....

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Paris, 23 - 30 December 2007

Selamat tahun Baru...Bon Anne...Happy New Year!!
Gak seperti liburan2 sebelumnya yg dipersiapkan dengan matang. Liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru ini serba dadakan...bingung mau pergi kemana? akhirnya kita putuskan untuk pergi ke Paris dan Disneyland untuk kedua kalinya. Berangkat Minggu 23 december 07, cukup jauh hampir 800 km pake mobil. Di Paris sendiri, kita ber-metro2-an, mobil kita parkir di hotel, lumayan gak ribet dengan lalulintas Paris dan lebih pasti arahnya...tapi resikonya jalan dari satu metro ke metro yg lain, terasa banget pegal2 di kaki dan betis. Di Paris, seperti biasa kita pergi ke tempat2 wajib: Eiffel, Champs de élysées, musee de louvre, juga beberapa tempat yg belum sempat kita kunjungin sebelumnya : Grande Arche di La défense, Sacré Coeur dan Chateau de Versailles. Sedangkan 2 hari terakhir kita habiskan d Val de europe (ini sih misi ibunya buat ke outlet-outlet...he..he) dan ke Disneyland buat kakang karena tahun lalu hanya ke Park-nya, belum sempat perg ke Studio-nya. Kakang yg seneng banget naek "thomas" (baca: kereta api) gara-gara "thomas & friends", kayanya liburan kali ini dia sampe bosan naek "thomas" (baca: metro)..he..he...